Ring the bell for success…..
Maury Harris, Venkat Madamanchi, Venu Sadupati, & Mahesh Sudi
Pictured is the Motley Crew that recently assisted a Client Validation team in the final PPQs for a production line. Not pictured is Lydia who also assisted. The PPQ final reports are currently routing in the system for post-approval. This group prepared the PPQ protocols/binders, assisted in the line prep/execution, collected the results, performed APC reviews, and generated the summaries.
The Client Validation Lead had nothing but glowing remarks on their performance.
Way to go guys, and thanks for shining a positive light on Gill's! Onward to a new Line PPQs to be executed in March.
Mahesh Sudi, Venu Sadupati, & Maury Harris
Congrats to the Three Amigos pictured above! The former Client Computer QA Director had required that an ERES assessment be performed on the legacy Metasys program. This requirement was ignored for years, until a CAPA drove its completion. That's when Gill's was given a PO to "make this go away". First, Maury generated and executed a supplemental OQ protocol to provide objective evidence of data integrity compliance. Then, Venu generated a Metasys Alarm Assessment that was needed. And finally, Mahesh generated the required ERES assessment and expedited its approval to meet the CAPA deadline!
Thanks guys, for your diligence in putting this to bed!
Russell Nash, Kristen Jones, Dheeraj Chinthapally
Congratulations to this duo for closing out a recent project. The site was using Plant Steam utility to add humidification when needed to an areas ambient air, but recently decided to make a conversion to Clean Steam. The existing HVAC coils had to be replaced first.
Special shoutout to Krystal and Russell for their support on the Asset Management and Instrumentation deliverables!
Elijah Thompson
Great job Prudvi for completing the Decommissioning of the two QCC Agilent HPLC 1100 with the Change Record approved on 11/19 for implementation. We appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to serve the client!
Prudvi Namini
Congrats to this Dynamic Duo! Krystal and Mahesh implemented a change to configure new Metasys equipment controllers to the existing Munters Dehumidifiers that pretreat the ambient air for an entire facility. Before these controllers were installed, the HVAC crew had to trek up to the local dehumidifier HMIs in the building mezzanine to make any adjustments. Now, the HVAC techs can monitor/control the airflow from the comfort of their office.
Mahesh Sudi
Venkat completed the protocols that disconnected Still 5 and 8 from the ambient WFI header, removed the old Line WFI POU and the facility qualification protocol in an Aseptic Pack off.
Goutham Rachamalla
Congrats to Gene for completing the Utility Qualification on a modification to the High Quality Steam in a client business unit. This would have been completed last year, except a previous contractor installed a cap of the wrong material!
Thanks, Gene for putting this headache to bed.
Gene Jones & Venu Sadupati
Congratulations Dheeraj, Russell and Kristen on completing the 'Upgrade R1 TS Sterilizers RMF-0004 and RMF-0009' project. This project started in 2021 but because of the complexity of the project, increase in project scope, new discoveries during testing and the client staff turnover, the project dragged out. The team persevered and ensured the project was successfully completed. Thank you for your hard work, dedication and patience.
Maury Harris & Mahesh Sudi
Elijah successfully completed the commissioning of the warehouse backup generator. The project was to coordinate the movement, placement, and the start-up test to put back the generator after the Hi-Rise demolition. Elijah worked with several vendors that were used on the project at the client site to compete the commissioning.
Also, a special thanks to Matt and documentation team for getting this completed.
Prudvi Namini
Big thanks to Prudvi for supporting his fellow teammates on the QCC implementation of the Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900T with the change record approved on 11/4. Great work getting the job done! Thanks for all you do in representing Gill’s in excellent work.
Mahesh Sudi & Krystal Blackman
Congrats to the Lone Ranger again! Mahesh managed and executed a Change Control to decommission a legacy version of the AMPS software and server used in Central Drug Weigh and Dispense when the site upgraded to the latest version. The project was delayed numerous times due to corporate SME staff turnovers, but Mahesh persevered.
Venkat Madamanchi
Goutham was able to complete a supplemental protocol when a Data integrity issue was identified with a Bag Sealer. kudos for working fast and efficiently to get the job done!
Gene Jones
Congrats to Gene and Venu for recently completing the seasonal (winter) mapping of a client offsite Warehouse. A three-D grid pattern of (353) data loggers had to be erected to collect temperature data every five minutes for a minimum of (168) hours. Then, the loggers had to be removed, and tons of data downloaded, assimilated, and analyzed.
Our client is so impressed by the work of these two that they have already requested this duo for additional "mini-mapping" exercises when the pallet-storage racking is installed later this summer. You guys represent us well!
Great job guys!